
Workshop 1: Thursday 14.15-15.15

Participants are divided in groups according to the color card you have been given today.

Green competences

  1. Share together:
    • Introduce yourselves
    • What is your college currently offering in the field of green competences/ ‘sustainability’?
    • Share good practices
  2. Brainstorm:
    • Based on your experiences and knowledge what competences do you think could be integrated in the EBBD certificate to better prepare students for sustainability/ green transition?
    • Together think of an idea/ project on sustainability/ green transition for the EBBD certificate and cooperation on this.
  3. Collect this in the padlet:  mention the name of the colleges and the participants. Name the presenter.
  4. Present this to the network on Friday 14.30-16.00 – during the session Let’s wrap it up! There are total of 10 presentations, so the maximum time is 7 min for one presentation.
  5. Utilization: The workshop results will be published on EBBD website and the board of EBBD e.V. will further utilize them in developing the EBBD portfolio.

Go to the Padlet here or scan the QR code:

Workshop 2: Friday 13.30-14.30

Participants are divided in groups according to the color card you have been given today.

Micro Credentials

Some information about the European approach of micro credentials can be found on: A European approach to micro-credentials | European Education Area (

  1. Share together:
    • Is  ‘micro credentials’ and or partial certificates a topic at your college and are you offering/ implementing these currently?
    • Share good practices on micro credentials and or partial certificates where applicable.
  2. Brainstorm:
    • What do you think the benefits would be of micro credentials/ partial certification in the EBBD certificate for students and colleges?
    • Do you foresee any difficulties in implementing micro credentials and or partial certificates? If so, specify which and why
  3. Collect this in the padlet: make sure to mention the name of the colleges and the participants.
  4. Present this to the network on Friday 14.30-16.00 – during the session Let’s wrap it up! There are total of 10 presentations, so the maximum time is 7 min for one presentation.
  5. Utilization: The workshop results will be published on EBBD website and the board of EBBD e.V. will further utilize them in developing the EBBD portfolio.

Go to the Padlet here or scan the QR code: