The student affairs office is at your service all the way from the application phase. During your studies the student affairs office can help you with social benefits for students, or if you need a certificate of your studies. The services offered by the student affairs office incude:
● Advice and guidance to applicants
● General advice to students
● Study certificates and transcripts of studies
● Delivering the applications for student benefits for Kela
● Qualification certificates
● Copies of the Qualification certificates (for a fee, delivery time 1-2 weeks during the school year)
● Credentials and passwords for Wilma platform
Be prepared to show a valid ID with your picture on it when visiting the student affairs office.
From Atomi, the electronic student affairs office service of Business College Helsinki, you can order a study certificate or a transcript of studies. The certificates are electronically signed, and their authenticity can be verified on our webpages . You can log in into Atomi with your student user credentials.
Please let us know without delay of any changes regarding your studies or your contact details! These include changes in your personal information, changes of address, or discontinuing your studies temporarily or permanently.
As the education provider, Business College Helsinki must have your up-to-date contact details. Please note that the college is not liable for any losses if your contact details are not up to date. As a student, you can easily update your contact information on the Wilma platform.
The student affairs office is located on the second floor of the building, room 271.
● By phone on Mon-Thu 8.00–16.00 (8am to 4pm) and Fri 8.00-15.30 (8am to 3.30pm): +358 9 1489 0490
● Reception, Mon-Fri 9.00–15.00 (9am to 3pm)
● Via email, studentaffairs(at)
The opening hours during holidays and holiday eves are informed separately.
Exceptions to opening hours
You may get an authorised copy of your certificate. The delivery time is from 1 to 2 weeks during the school year. During holiday times the delivery time may be longer. An authorised copy of your certificate costs 35 euros. The payment details will be delivered to you via email. An electronically signed graduation certificate (certificates given after 1st of September 2022) can only be obtained by email.
Ask for a copy with this form.
Fields marked with an asterisque (*) are mandatory
A copy of *