Welcome to the Excellence Seminar!

The Excellence Seminar and Celebration, organized together, sheds light on future innovations and the importance of development in both companies and training organizations. It is hoped that the project pump will lead to systematic development and closer co-operation. Without good partners, it is impossible.
New innovations and inventions take place at the interfaces of companies and educational institutions, in the encounter of the new and the old, the modern and the historical and the different. Diversity creates opportunities to understand things differently. Professionalism in both business and development is emphasized at both EU and global level. Why moan alone when you can accomplish effectively and boldly together?
Centers of Vocational Excellence are built together. Cooperation has power – Dialogue, common thinking and learning together enable future innovations.
Welcome to share your perspective, learn and participate!
Programme for Excellence! Future Megatrends and Innovations seminar & party at 18.3.2022
Programme 18.3.2022:
Future megatrends and innovations in education
Futurist, Mrs. Elina Hiltunen
European Union & education & training & Centres of Vocational Excellence
Senior expert, Mr. Joao Santos, European Comission
LAMOR – Let’s clean the world, Board member, Mr. Timo Rantanen
AGILS – Boosting better ideas, projects and development, Dr., Mrs. Eija Mäkirintala
HEADAI – CEO, Mr. Harri Ketamo
How to matchmake students, skills, teachers, coaches and working life needs, DIHUB
140 years of hiqh quality VET
CEO, Pia Pakarinen,Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce
Price for the whole event: 195 euros. To be paid in Haikko Mansion reception or invoice.
Code for the accomodation: BUSINESSCOLLEGE, reserve here: https://www.haikko.fi/
Apply here:

For more information: helena.miettinen@bc.fi