Digital Innovation hub for Cloud Based Services (DIHUB) – Deputy Head of Unit, European Commission Mr. Joao SANTOS visited Helsinki Business College

Deputy Head of Unit, European Commission Mr. Joao Santos visited Helsinki Business College and took part of Digital Innovation hub for Cloud Based Services (DIHUB) – Event in the 16th of October 2019. DIHUB-project is part of The EU initiative on “Centres of Vocational Excellence”.
Mr. Antti Loukola, Managing Director/Principal, Business College Helsinki welcomed warmly the DIHUB –project partners and stakeholders and shortly commented how this project will fit to the new strategy of Business College: Vocational Excellence, entrepreneurship and business development.
According to the Innovation in Europe survey, only 4% of innovations are based on academic research. The survey also shows that the most significant sources of innovation are customer contacts, company networks and the like. These produce 96% of innovations.
Innovations usually evolve from a practical need, and they are developed in a context that is far removed from the environment where scientific innovations are produced. That is why VET organizations and SME’s are important.
Centres of vocational excellence forms Skills ecosystem, which is bringing together policy makers, companies, chambers, VET institutions, Universities of applied science, research centers, employment services, development agencies and associations. European Union does not give information how these CoVE’s should be formed but courage us to be creative, explore and learn from others.
European Union funded in this round of Erasmus + Programme five (5) projects for Centres of Vocational Excellence. The duration of the projects are 2 years and total grants: €4.624.879. There will be more funding to apply in near future, informed Mr. Santos.
Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVE), should be understood in a wide context that adapts to the diversity of VET systems in the various member states.
It could be:
- Providing people relevant skills for labour market, lifelong learning, initial VET qualifications & continuing training
- Working together with local SME’s and acting as innovation hubs and technology diffusion centres
- Developing Joint VET curricula
- Developing internationalisation strategies
- Developing innovative teaching and training methodologies
- Developing innovative curricula and pedagogies focused not just on technical skills but also transversal competences
- Continuing professional development of teachers and trainers
- Project-based learning
- Providing guidance services, as well as validation of prior learning
- Providing business incubators
- Supporting innovation hubs and technology diffusion centres
- Supporting the attraction of foreign investment projects by ensuring timely provision of skills for companies investing locally
- Developing “International VET campus/academies” for learners, teachers and trainers, leaders in VET institutions,
- Participating in national and international Skills competitions
- Contributing to creation and dissemination of new knowledge in partnership with other stakeholders,
- Making full use of EU financial instruments and Funds
- Developing sustainable financial models that combine public funding, and income generating activities for the Centres of Vocational Excellence
In project DIHUB – Digital Innovation hub for Cloud Based Services, which Business College is coordinating, we’ll establish five digital services DIHUBs around Europe: Bulgaria, Croatia, Portugal, Estonia and Finland. Local DIHUBs will provide cloud based learning and services for SME’s and institutions. The students are having a special training programme to innovate, plan, design, prototype and test digital cloud based services. DIHUB – project starts from the 1st of November in European level.
Finnish DIHUB project is carried out together with Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences and Chamber of Helsinki Region. All European DIHUBs are collaborating constantly with each others and sharing best practices in the project framework.

* Text modified from the presentation of Mr. Joao SANTOS, Deputy Head of Unit, European Commission, Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Unit E3, Vocational training, Apprenticeships and Adult learning
Text: Helena Miettinen