DIHUB project at EU Vocational Excellence Conference

Conference of Centres of Vocational Excellence: Skills ecosystems for innovation, regional development, and social inclusion was held 16th of June 2020. Tknika, Spain with the support of the European Commission and the five pilot projects of Platforms of Vocational Excellence, organized this conference whose number of participants was extraordinary: 1723 people from 105 countries.
Conference had a new approach to VET excellence, where VET institutions are capable of rapidly adapting skills provision to evolving local needs, is essential to raise the attractiveness, relevance and quality in VET.
Showing real examples of the 5 pilot projects approved under the first call of proposals for Centres of Vocational Excellence, this online workshop will share the approach to VET excellence and the future of the platforms of Vocational Excellence. The conference will be providing a mixture of policy vision and strategy and practical examples to allow participants to fully grasp the concept of excellence in VET in the European context.
“The conference was not only dealing with Excellence: it was excellent in itself!” said the European Commission referring to the virtual conference on Centres of Vocational Excellence: Skills ecosystems for innovation, regional development and inclusion.
Jouni Hytönen and Harri Hautala from Business College Helsinki introduced the DIHUB-project: “Digital Innovation Hub for Cloud Based Services.
DIHUB-project will provide a European-wide, transnational, interconnected service model (platform) and network based on cloud and mobile technologies. Within this platform of vocational excellence, the latest tools of cloud and mobile technologies used for hands-on learning sessions, innovative co-operation and for innovative development of pilot projects. The technologies used are flexible for different applications in various sectors.
Within the project, five digital innovation hubs for cloud-based services will be created in different locations in Europe. These hubs will be learning and development environments to VET students as well as development service environment for companies to renew their future views, the knowhow, skills and the digital service creation.
The project entails also a proof of concept of a training program within the hub. Themes included are service design, SCRUM, cloud technology, coding in cloud -based services, among others.
Learn more: https://dihubcloud.eu/
Contact us: helena.miettinen@bc.fi ja harri.hautala@bc.fi