The Qualification in Business helps you to reach your future dreams. Our compact program prepares you for international jobs and is a stepping stone for higher education. We educate you to become a competent professional. Your study environment is multicultural and your classmates come from diverse backgrounds.
Vocational Qualification in Business
1,5 years, full-time day studies with compulsory attendance
The program is meant for people over the age of 18 who are in the process of changing career or looking to update their knowledge in the field.
For studying, you need a computer with an Internet connection.
English language test.
Qualification in Business is secondary level vocational education and we follow the official Finnish national curriculum.
QB is a compact and practical program and that lasts 1,5 years on average. The studies concentrate in business which includes working life and financial skills, customer service, entrepreneurship and marketing. Additionally, you will learn the latest skills in business IT.
Your English language skills are improved every day. Foreign students learn basics of Finnish. We give special importance to developing your soft skills, team working, problem solving and time management, to succeed in business life. For your studies you will need a computer with access to internet.
In addition to studying in the classroom you will have access to e-learning platform. You will use the latest technology in your studies and the college provides the laptops with necessary software preinstalled during your studies.
The methods of studying include learning by doing, teamwork and projects such as student parties, sales fairs and events. One third of studies include training in real companies. Practical training is a vital part of the studies. Students will apply and demonstrate their learned skills at the practical training. Practical training always takes place in real life workplace. Students are responsible for searching the practical training position themselves.
You can also have an international certificate in business administration in addition to the Qualification in Business. EBBD, European Business Behaviour and Democracy Certificate, is granted to students who demonstrate excellent skills in international business administration.
The teachers have extensive and specialized experience. They support you in your studies as well as developing your English language skills.
On top of everything you will have the opportunity to study and work with people from many different countries and cultures.
The scope of the Vocational Qualification in Business is 180 competence points (cp). The qualification is composed of vocational units (145 cp) and common units (35 cp).
The qualification includes two compulsory units, total 40 cp:
• Operating in business environment 25 cp
-business and digital environment, profitability
• Customer service 15 cp
– customer service, communication in English and Finnish
Business College Helsinki optional units, total 105 cp:
• Marketing communication 30 cp
• Planning a business 15 cp
• Working in an enterprise 15 cp
• Working in a project 15 cp
• Developing customer experience 15 cp
• International business operations 15 cp
The rest of the competence points (common units, 35cp) is composed of basic skills and know how needed in working life, academic studies, and lifelong learning. These studies include, for example, Finnish language and Mathematics. If you have completed upper secondary education in Finland, your prior learning can be recognized for as much of these studies as possible.
If you have not completed upper secondary education in Finland, you must independently study the online courses we provide for the common units 35 cp. Please note, that these studies include Finnish language studies which you must complete successfully.
This program requires full time attendance from Monday to Friday. The lessons are held between 9 AM and 3/4.30 PM. Attendance on all lessons is compulsory. Please take note of this when you apply and ensure that your work does not interfere with your studies. For this study program we do not offer distance study option.
The duration of your studies 1,5 years (18 months = three semesters) however you may graduate in a shorter time because some of the studies may be accredited based on your prior work experience and education; in this case you need to present certificates. One possibility to study longer is if your work place training lasts more than one semester.
Vocational Qualification in Business study program provides a wide range of opportunities for business career and further studies.
Graduates have been employed for example in sales and office work as well as private entrepreneurs. Many have continued studies in for example, at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences and some in Aalto University.
Our QB study program can provide a wide range of business career and learning opportunities.
The program is meant for people over the age of 18 who are in the process of changing career or looking to update their knowledge in the field.
Rautatieläisenkatu 5, 00520 Helsinki | Tel. 09 1489 0200 |
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