Business College has participated in various projects along the years. Please find the descriptions of the finished projects below.
Duration: 11/2019-11/2021
Partners: Helsinki Business College (Finland), INOVA+ (Portugal), Know and Can Association (Bulgaria), Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Bulgaria), Portuguese National ICT Cluster (Portugal), Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce (Finland), Algebra University College (Croatia),Croatian Employers Association (Croatia), Tartu Vocational Education Centre (Estonia), BCS Koolitus (Estonia)
Funding: Erasmus +, Sector Skills Alliances
The DIHUB consortium is setting up European-wide cluster of interconnected nodes using the latest cloud computing technologies for innovations development, education and for generation of new start-ups.
Digital Innovation Hub for Cloud Based Services project five DIHUBs will be created in different sides of Europe: Portugal, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia and Finland.
The results of the project:
Learn more about DIHUB here.
More information
Jouni Hytönen, development manager
Helsinki Business College Oy
+358 40 717 9991 |
Helena Miettinen, development specialist
Helsinki Business College Oy
+358 44 77 56 383,
Duration: 1.1.2022-31.12.2023
Funding Erasmus + (KA2)
Coordinator: Business College
The current situation calls for development of sustainable alternatives and cooperation with European partners to learn from and with each other to face today’s challenges in education and society. This means that VET institutions have to provide new flexible transnational projects, which can be carried out remotely or as blended learning to adapt to global and environmental or societal changes.
Considering the possibilities in technology and the growing relevance of digital education, partners want to explore and share good practices in digital education, entrepreneurial projects and simulations. The project will help business VET students to gain extensive professional skills in entrepreneurial mindset, language and international competences and they are able to utilize those skills, to become more prepared for the future work life and be able to consider career options including entrepreneurial and international skills.
The main target group is business VET students, whose needs are to experience international cooperation that prepares them for the future of work; by providing the students with the positive experience of their entrepreneurial skills, we are able to foster the students to become autonomous members of our European societies, integrate them in the labour market and help them in developing realistic aspiration regarding their individual lives.
Participating in this Erasmus+ Key Action 2 project are experts and students of: Helsinki Business College, (Finland) Summa College (the Netherlands) Skive College (Denmark) Nazaret Fundazioa (Spain) Charles Peguy ( France) & Rijn IJssel (the Netherlands)
More info:
Orsolya Simon or Kaisu Luukka
Rautatieläisenkatu 5, 00520 Helsinki | Tel. 09 1489 0200 |
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