Our international activities are based on our long-time partnerships. They ensure that we offer both a broad and varied selection of activities. The collaboration methods include development projects in the fields of education and counseling services, and student and staff exchanges.
Learn more about these projects below.
EBBD GRACE, which stands for Green Competences & Recognition of Achievements through Credentials in EBBD, focuses on two main themes: sustainability and micro-credentials.
Actions and results:
For sustainability, the project team is developing an educational unit with clear learning objectives, knowledge, and skills. Learning activities and training for teachers are also being designed. The goal is to equip students with skills that contribute to a more sustainable society.
In terms of micro-credentials, the team is exploring how students can receive digital recognition for their achievements. These are issued via the Europass Platform, which increases their chances in the labor market.
Further information: Hilla Helasaari, Head of International Operations. +358 50 4904546, hilla.helasaari@bc.fi
“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or national agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. ”
DI-VET (Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in Work-based Learning for Smoother VET-to-work Transition) is a project to make vocational education and training and workplaces more inclusive. Education professionals and businesses are given tools and training to promote diversity. In addition, these skills will be formally recognised through certificates. The project will first identify needs, develop a training programme and tools, a certificate and disseminate results and new practices.
The international DI-VET project will be carried out in partnership with MIR Academy in Sweden, Diversity HUB in Poland and Accion Laborale in Spain. The MIR Academy will act as coordinator. The project is funded by the Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership programme.
The DI-VET project aims to:
For more information: project manager Helena Miettinen, Helena.miettinen@bc.fi
How can vocational training institutions and enterprises incorporate innovative practices into their management? What tools can they use? Which methods can contribute to effective change?
These are the key questions guiding Helsinki Business College’s Erasmus+ internationally funded INNOVATE project. We are currently diving deep into the world of strategies and tools that can change the way companies operate. From agile methods and design thinking to AI-based analytics and collaboration platforms, the possibilities are endless.
INNOVATE aims to match existing skills with the new needs of the global economy by bringing together best practices in innovation management and explaining their impact in today’s workplace.
Managing innovation
Based on the vocabulary of ISO 56000, innovation management can be defined as the process of managing and controlling the innovation aspects of an organisation (ISO, 2020). Innovation management can be divided into four main areas: culture, capabilities, strategy and structure.
Project results:
– Background study: how do you navigate the world of innovation?
– A handbook on innovation management and process
– Training for innovators
The international INNOVATE project is coordinated by Die Berater from Austria and includes Helsinki Business College Oy from Finland, Syncnify from France, Orange Hill from Poland, Catro from Bulgaria, Cardet from Cyprus and CSES (Center for Social Entrepreneurship) from Sweden.
Read more:
More information:
Project Manager
Helena Miettinen
Project Summary The GREENLAB project aims to promote systematic reform across vocational education sectors by developing innovative approaches in management and consulting roles within key strategic areas of the green transition. The project will enhance business leaders’ and consultants’ green skills through online education utilizing microcredentials. It also aims to foster cross-border and multi-stakeholder collaboration among vocational trainers, businesses, and policymakers.
Project Duration and Funding Duration: 2024–2026
Funder: Erasmus+ Forward looking projects -category
Coordinator: CESIE (Italy)
Objectives and Activities The project aims to identify key soft and hard skills needed to support the green transition in business and improve the acquisition and recognition of these skills through created microcredentials. Actions include national surveys on trends in sustainable development management and environmental consulting, defining skill needs through surveys, semi-structured interviews, and focus groups, and establishing a sustainability committee. GREENLAB will develop a learning program for vocational education on the GREENLAB e-learning platform (EQF level 5) and organize an international congress focusing on new opportunities in VET for future-oriented leaders and consultants.
Target Groups Target groups include business management professionals, project management experts, business advisors, sustainable development consultants, and other key individuals interested in improving their skills for adopting more sustainable practices, as well as providers of vocational education in management, project management, and consulting fields.
Expected Outcomes The project is expected to increase interest in sustainable development management and environmental consulting issues, improve knowledge of microcredentials and their benefits, and strengthen the capabilities of vocational education providers and professionals in green jobs. Additionally, the project will promote innovation in vocational education study paths and diversify vocational education offerings, especially through continuous learning.
Further information: Jouni Hytönen, development manager, jouni.hytonen@bc.fi
Project name
Erasmus+ Mobility Project; student and staff mobility project (2015->)
Coordinator Business College Helsinki
The aim of the project
The project offers students, teachers and other personnel the opportunity to go abroad on a study, work or training period to support their studies or work. The main objective of the project is to develop the ability of students and staff to work in an international environment and to improve language skills.
Project description
Students can apply for an Erasmus grant for their on-the-job-learning period abroad or for a student exchange. The amount of the grant depends on the length of the period abroad and the country of destination. Staff can apply for a one-week job-shadowing period. In addition, teachers have the opportunity to embark on a 4-day trip to support student’s internship.
More information
Head of International Affairs Hilla Helasaari, hilla.helasaari@bc.fi
Coordinator of International Affairs Orsolya (Ursula) Simon, orsolya.simon@bc.fi
Duration 2023-2025
Coordinator: Business College Helsinki
Funding: Nordplus Junior
The focus in this project will be on increasing the student’s awareness of and knowledge about different aspects of diversity within the Nordic region. How can diversity in the workplace be an asset for business organizations in the Nordic region. How and why should integration be promoted at educational institutions, for example. The participating schools have strong business programmes and wish to contribute to solutions of global challenges by opening the student’s eyes to the varied work being carried out for promoting social sustainability in the Nordic region. Special attention will be given to how different types of organizations (NGO’s,authorities, youth organizations, companies and entrepreneurs etc.) are working towards a more diverse society at large. How can students and youth organizations contribute to promoting diversity, integration and cultural competence? What is the role of the Student Body / Student Union at each school in promoting social sustainability? By promoting social sustainability, the wellbeing of students will improve and lead to better learning outcomes and better self-esteem.
Partners: Commercial College of Iceland (IS-Versló), Nacka gymnasium (SE), Niels Brock Copenhagen Business College (DK), Yrkesinstitutet Prakticum (FI)
More information
Head of International Affairs Hilla Helasaari, hilla.helasaari@bc.fi
Project manager Tuula Pahkala, tuula.pahkala@bc.fi
This project aims to produce solutions that will give adult learners more possibilities to gain much needed skills during their studies and to succeed in their careers. For the organizations participating in the project new opportunities, teaching methods/approaches and international network will be a great asset to become more knowledgeable and attractive. The staff in the organizations will get the opportunity to brush up on their language skills, teaching, and networking skills. By means of benchmarking discussions with their counterparts, the participating organizations get ideas and opportunities to develop their processes and pedagogical approaches.
This project is targeting various kinds of adult learners. In the thematic network best practices will be shared and new knowledge will be gained with the help of surveys. First, the project will map the current situation in each organization, second, it sets students and companies in focus by asking them what skills are missing and how these skills could be achieved. It is important to build versatile cooperation with companies as they are the current and future employers of the students we are educating. This project also wants to include staff from each partnering organization in project activities and planning. As a result of this project innovative ideas and activities will be planned for adult learners, to help them improve their international and multicultural skills. A network of adult educators will be established, with the aim that after this project co-operation will continue in a mobility project, and hopefully with even more partners joining the network then.
Business College Helsinki
Nordplus Adult
Project partners
More information
Hilla Helasaari, Head of International Affairs | +358 50 490 4546 | hilla.helasaari@bc.fi
Tuula Pahkala, Project Manager | +358 50 564 3911 | tuula.pahkala@bc.fi
OBCD takes inspiration from the analysis of a new entrepreneurship paradigm. Based on the necessity of combining economic growth and social innovation, the project aims to create more inclusive, creative and sustainable societies and economies. The project investigates how open business approaches applied to social entrepreneurship (SE) can contribute to local development. This concept leads to new challenges for education and training since it highlights emerging occupations as well as new knowledge, competences and skills, for the development of the SEs.
The objective of the project is to foster innovation in HE, c-VET, enterprises and the broader socioeconomic environment by developing and testing new training modules, focused on open business principles, that address skill gaps in the SE sector. OBCD will analyse emerging skills and occupations, identifying learning outcomes (LOs) that can be used and adapted for the development of 2 new curricula (from EQF 5 to 6) and training modules, which will be tested at the HE and VET levels.
The project will also promote the co-creation of knowledge between HE, VET, research, the public sector and business in order to contribute to innovation in business modelling, education and training.
This will be pursued by fostering the development of “Knowledge Triangles” (bringing together HEI, VET, and business stakeholders) that will collaboratively develop innovative education contents and tools. The project will also establish business ecosystems for SE, aiming to develop aware, sustainable and connected communities able to generate business value and sustainable development at local level through Open Business models.
Read more here:
More information:
Project Manager, Mrs. Helena Miettinen (Helena.miettinen@bc.fi, +358 44 7756383)
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